Koch Brewery

Koch Pruulikoda

Koch Brewery – in the heart of Tallinn, right next to the Sea Gates! Become a part of the brewing history!

I was stomping through the greyish world and the rain, which inevitably accompanies Estonian spring, summer and autumn alike, to those large limestone buildings because they were promising shelter. Suddenly I found myself in a pub with a folk atmosphere and grandiose interiors. Having taken first steps, I smelled familiar aromas of fresh brewing – malt and bitter hops – mmmmmm, there is a Brewery here!

I was offered hoppy and orange-flavored Wheat Beer, intriguingly tasting Nipperkin (the story of which receiving the name is worthy a novel itself): it is an Old Ale somewhat resembling port wine, which ladies find to be particularly good. Other beers on the list included Pilsner, Stout, Bock, Light and Dark Lager as well as a Herb Beer – but the latter was said to be seasonal.

They were offering mostly Estonian food made with local produce. As an appetizer, I got pickles with honey. The first course was a wild mushroom soup with barley, followed by pork shank braised in beer with sauerkraut, fried potatoes and broth – the opulence! And how unexpectedly pleasing it is to try a dish in which they use one of the beers brewed right here in the pub.

We welcome groups of 15-20 persons and hold:
• Brewing courses
• Tastings
• Guided tours of the Brewery
… a suitable package can be put together for anyone. Send us your request to receive a quotation!

In cooperation with Koch Pub we will help you plan a great day and have an amazing culinary experience!

Koch Brewery – in the heart of Tallinn, right next to the Sea Gates!
Become a part of the brewing history!

Come and see for yourself!

