Loona Manor café

Loona Mõisa kohvik

The menu of Loona Manor relies on local ingredients and cooperating with local gardeners, farmers, fishermen and hunters.

Open: every day in summer season, for advance bookings only from autumn until spring.

If hunger is already gnawing at you, but you still feel light of foot, it will be easy to take a brisk walk o the western end of the island, where you will be able to sit at the table, laden with food in the traditional Estonian way, and play a good knife and fork, enjoying whatever coastal folk have to offer.

Freshly caught fish in soup or as a main course, a slow pot roast of meat and vegetables, delicious potato and smoked pork bake – all of these are the traditions we have brought back to life in Loona Manor’s kitchen, giving a refreshing twist to long-famous tastes.

The caterer has the right to label its products as ‘Saaremaa ehtne toode’, which stands for authentic goods manufactured in Saare county.

PHOTOS: Ülle Jukk
